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Skills-based hiring is the technique of screening candidates based on specific skills relevant to the role rather than traditional qualifications such as education and experience. Data shows that skills-based hiring is on the rise—and for good reason. It results in more diverse talent pools, reduces the number of mis-hires, and improves employee productivity and retention. The benefits are clear, but to successfully make the shift, you must first commit to making purposeful changes within your hiring practices. Today we’re sharing three steps to help you get started.

Rework Your Job Descriptions.

When writing job descriptions, remember that you’ll be assessing candidates for their potential rather than their history. To that end, HBR advises, “Focus on the results you’d like to see, rather than the type of qualifications that you think could deliver them.” As an example, 64% of working age adults today do not hold a bachelor’s degree, so eliminating that barrier to entry can yield additional qualified candidates who gained their skills through experience rather than education. 

Leverage Skill Assessments.

When hiring based on a role’s most critical skills, it’s important to have candidates demonstrate their expertise through tools such as hard skill evaluations, soft skill assessments, structured interviews, and work samples. Fortune reports that 92% of companies view skills-based hiring as more effective than relying on traditional résumés. With title inflation on the rise, it’s important that employers look past snazzy titles and verify that candidates have the skills to do the job. 

Assign Projects Based on Skills.

Applying the same skills-based mindset when assigning projects is a great way to optimize your talent and strengthen internal mobility within your organization. Rather than assign projects based on functional job titles, determine the skills required for a successful outcome, and assign projects based on whose skills are the best match. Encouraging team members to lean into their strengths is a true win-win; your employees will feel fulfilled while delivering maximum value to the company.