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The #1 obstacle job candidates experience is not knowing what it’s like to work at an organization, and that makes satisfied employees one of your most powerful recruiting tools. If you’re not already leveraging current team members in your talent acquisition efforts, below are a few avenues we’d recommend exploring.

Employee Referral Programs

Referral programs can bring in high-quality candidates who are pre-screened by your own employees, leading to a faster hiring process and better cultural fit. To maximize employee participation, we recommend a straightforward program that offers bonuses or other rewards to employees who refer successful hires. Keep employees updated on the status of their referrals and highlight success stories company-wide to keep the program top of mind for all. 

Involvement in the Interview Process

It’s critical to have multiple perspectives when evaluating candidates, but that’s not the only reason to involve key team members in the interview process. Most candidates come prepared with questions about what their day-to-day experience would look like, and no one is more qualified to answer than potential future colleagues. A team that’s valued enough to be involved in the hiring process is already a green flag for candidates, and the opportunity for satisfied employees to share their perspectives on company culture is a powerful selling tool for hiring managers.

Content Creation & Sharing

Candidates find employees three times more credible than CEOs when discussing a company’s working conditions. Video testimonials can enhance your website and career page, but for maximum reach, we recommend posting employee-centric content on social channels as well. According to CareerBuilder, 48% of job seekers use social media to research a company’s culture before applying. Potential candidates want to see real team members sharing glimpses into their day-to-day experiences; it helps them envision what it would be like to work for your company.